About Us

Our story

Alteraround is an online community connecting local Alteration Artisans, seamstresses, and tailors with customers looking for the nearest alteration service to their location.

Alteraround is spearheaded by TaF.tc (Textile & Fashion Industry Training Centre) in partnership with NTUC U Women & Family.

Alteraround empowers aspiring entrepreneurs who are passionate about sewing, offer alteration services, and would like to work from the comfort and convenience of their homes.

Alteraround goals are to support local altertation artisans and seamstresses, and to bring work, hope and empowerment for women and home business.


Learn and Start a Business!

Want to start a home alteration business but do not have sewing skills?

TaF.tc offers subsidised training for skills in sewing & enterepreneurship. In just a few months, you’ll be ready to start your home business.


An Initiative by TaF.tc

Textile and Fashion Industry Training Centre (TaF.tc) is Singapore's leading training institution for the textile and fashion industry, offering a wide range of courses in fashion design, merchandising, marketing and production. With a focus on practical, industry-relevant training, TaF.tc provides hands-on experience and access to advanced technology and facilities. Collaborating with industry experts, the center ensures its curriculum meets the evolving demands of the fashion sector, preparing graduates for successful careers. Whether you're a budding designer or a professional looking to upgrade your skills, TaF.tc offers the resources and support needed to excel in the competitive fashion world. Including this page as well


Supported by NTUC U Women & Family

NTUC U Women and Family is the voice for working women and families. It supports the career aspirations of working women by promoting a positive and safe work environment that is flexible and fair, as well as leveraging the Labour Movement network and partnerships, to help fulfill career, family and caregiving needs.

Please visit ufamily.org.sg or Facebook and Instagram @ntucuwomenandfamily.


Supported by NTUC FSE

The NTUC Freelancers and Self-Employed (FSE) unit is the Labour Movement’s initiative to represent the growing pool of FSE workers in Singapore. U FSE works to strengthen FSE’s income security, skills mastery and collective interests.

For more details on U FSE, please visit ufse.org.sg or contact them at [email protected].